It’s a brand new year and it’s time to get organized. It’s an amazing feeling to put away all the holiday decorations and focus on cleaning each room of the house. One area that always nags me is how to organize my children’s artwork. It is also the number one complaint I hear from other moms. To make life easier, I’ve compiled 5 simple ways to organize kids’ artwork.
1. Sort It
Right now I have two 24”x18” boxes filled with my children’s artwork. These are boxes are flat enough to store under their beds, though filled to the rim. The overflow artwork is now stored in a cabinet under our bar. The easiest way for me to sort is to make three piles. A hang it, save it, and toss /recycle it pile. Honestly, this is the hardest part of the process because I want to keep every scrap of paper.
2. Photograph It
Photographing your child’s artwork is a great way to save space and make a keepsake artist’s book or a collage poster. Look below to learn how to take the best photos of kids’ artwork.
3. Recycle It
Create new artwork from old artwork. You can paint over it, stamp on it, or cut into strips to make collages. Here are my favorite examples of recycled artwork.
4. Hang It
Pick the best artwork to frame and hang on a wall. Either mix it up with family photos and memorabilia or create a special art gallery wall. Other easy ways to hang artwork are to string a clothesline, hang a magnet strip, paint a magnet wall, or use a simple strip of washi tape to adhere artwork to the wall. Check out more great examples.
5. Box It Up
Once you have your kids’ best pieces up on a wall, made into a book, or recycled into another project, there might be a leftover pile of artwork. Here are some unique ways to box up and organize your children’s work.
I hope some of these tips and tricks will help keep your kids’ artwork organized. Let me know if you have other great tips that aren’t listed here. Leave a comment below!
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